If you have ever read any of the research on birth order, you will completely understand where I'm going with this, and let's be clear, I am both accepting of it while recognizing it's an area of growth. It's unsettling to me when people aren't happy.
More unsettling is when they aren't happy with ME. It's important to me that others are pleased with me, with my decisions. I feel this need to explain myself and rationalize in a manner that will make them "happy". Wake-up Stac, You Are Not Chocolate. It is completely, utterly, unREAListic.
My life has been full of change. I've moved, re-married, changed jobs, had friendships come and go, grown up, and simply changed my mind.
There have been plenty of people "unhappy" with me and I don't like it, but I've come to accept it.
Friendships are tough. I don't say this lightly, but as friendships have changed since elementary school, we grow to realize those relationships have a purpose and a season. Some will see you through shorter seasons than others, while some will remain through thick and thin. Either way, all friendships hold special memories and each have a special place in my heart; the happy times remembered.
As those memories are cherished, so are the relationships in the present, and those unknown, yet to come.
Can anyone say they are able to make everyone happy? If you can, please share your secret! :)
And if you can't, like the people I know, share how you've come to accept it.
For the past 6 years, this quote has hung on my refrigerator:
Choose your HAPPY. ACCEPT that you can't choose for others. Live in your REALITY.